Lady Gaga: Patatas, pescado y mil millones de visitas

De Manuel Alberto Rosales am 26. octubre 2010 en
Categoria: Estrellas de Música

46546, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - Saturday October 23 2010. Lady Gaga left her hotel via the garage and made her way over the London's River Thames to do an interview with American TV host Anderson Cooper. She spoke about her fame, music and constant attention from everyone.  Quotes from the interview: To me, the greatest way to get to know me is on stage.  My album is my Opus of Universal Identity, my fans have shared their deepest stories, their deepest wishes... their deepest secrets with me. I feel this album embraces their liberation and their future.  Even though all these people are here. It's really nice to stand by the water.  Photograph:
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga ha terminado su estancia en la capital británica y se ha montado en el autobús de su gira para dar una vuelta por Londres el lunes por la noche antes de emprender el camino hacia Dublín. La diva se comió un cartucho de “Fish & Chips” para recuperar fuerzas antes de partir. Durante su gira ha alcanzado los mil millones de visitas en Youtube.

La cantante de “Just Dance” venía vestida de negro mientras trataba de comprar Patatas y pescado en Shell Fish Bar en Maida Vale. Pero como no había espacio para aparcar, su personal de seguridad se lo compró y se lo comió directamente en el autobús de la gira.

La artista de 24 años de edad, que va camino de Irlanda donde cantará Martes, Miercoles y Viernes anunció en su twitter que han llegado a los mil millones de visitas en youtube, y elogió a sus fans con las palabras “Llegamos a los mil millones de visitas en Youtube mis pequeños moustros. Si permanecemos unidos podremos hacer algo. Yo os nombro los reyes y reinas de Youtube”

Descubre la Nueva Colección Otoño - Invierno 2010 de La Redoute. ¡Te esperan muchas novedades en Moda y Decoración! Ahora con un -20% de descuento ¡Sólo hasta el 22/7!

Lady Gaga se va de gira por las islas británicas
46546, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - Saturday October 23 2010. Lady Gaga left her hotel via the garage and made her way over the London's River Thames to do an interview with American TV host Anderson Cooper. She spoke about her fame, music and constant attention from everyone.  Quotes from the interview: To me, the greatest way to get to know me is on stage.  My album is my Opus of Universal Identity, my fans have shared their deepest stories, their deepest wishes... their deepest secrets with me. I feel this album embraces their liberation and their future.  Even though all these people are here. It's really nice to stand by the water.  Photograph:
Lady Gaga alcanza los mil millones de visitas en Youtube
46546, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - Saturday October 23 2010. Lady Gaga left her hotel via the garage and made her way over the London's River Thames to do an interview with American TV host Anderson Cooper. She spoke about her fame, music and constant attention from everyone.  Quotes from the interview: To me, the greatest way to get to know me is on stage.  My album is my Opus of Universal Identity, my fans have shared their deepest stories, their deepest wishes... their deepest secrets with me. I feel this album embraces their liberation and their future.  Even though all these people are here. It's really nice to stand by the water.  Photograph:

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