Britney Spears: Queda con Jason Trawick para cenar en un café

De Leónidas Guerrero am 25. octubre 2010 en
Categoria: Estrellas de Música

A distraught looking Britney Spears attempted to hide her face from the shutterbugs on October 11, 2023 while out on a shopping spree in the Beverly Hills area of California with her trusted bodyguards by her side. As no surprise Brit was out shopping for todays outfit and accessories which she found at Envie. Spears didn't seem to be in a good mood as she ventured over to the local Starbucks for a drink with smeared make up, could she have been in tears for some reason or just another day in the life of Britney? The pop princess then made her way over to De Beers jewelry store where she showed off her extensions after pulling her hair up into a ponytail while inside but let it down as she made her exit. The pop princess has been hard at work on a new album and its rumored to be the next big thing.  Fame Pictures, Inc
Britney Spears fue vista saliendo de un café de california despues de cenar el pasado 24 de Octubre. Al parecer tuvo problemas para terminar la comida ya que su novio, Jason Trawick, llevaba una bolsa en la mano con las sobras de la cena.
Los rumores dicen que los restos de la cena eran realmente para su perro, y que la cantante no tenia ningún tipo de indisposición.

Acostumbrados a que Britney valla saltando de escándalo en escándalo, ahora parece que vuelve a levantar cabeza pues lleva algúnas semanas sin hacer muchas locuras. De hecho, La popular cantante de pop está nominada a los premios de popularidad. Además Britney también competirá como mejor artista invitada de televisión por su aparición en Glee, y por el premio a la celebridad favorita de la web.

Shoes 300x250

ah! Britney, Britney…
A distraught looking Britney Spears attempted to hide her face from the shutterbugs on October 11, 2023 while out on a shopping spree in the Beverly Hills area of California with her trusted bodyguards by her side. As no surprise Brit was out shopping for todays outfit and accessories which she found at Envie. Spears didn't seem to be in a good mood as she ventured over to the local Starbucks for a drink with smeared make up, could she have been in tears for some reason or just another day in the life of Britney? The pop princess then made her way over to De Beers jewelry store where she showed off her extensions after pulling her hair up into a ponytail while inside but let it down as she made her exit. The pop princess has been hard at work on a new album and its rumored to be the next big thing.  Fame Pictures, Inc
Britney con la etiqueta por fuera
A distraught looking Britney Spears attempted to hide her face from the shutterbugs on October 11, 2023 while out on a shopping spree in the Beverly Hills area of California with her trusted bodyguards by her side. As no surprise Brit was out shopping for todays outfit and accessories which she found at Envie. Spears didn't seem to be in a good mood as she ventured over to the local Starbucks for a drink with smeared make up, could she have been in tears for some reason or just another day in the life of Britney? The pop princess then made her way over to De Beers jewelry store where she showed off her extensions after pulling her hair up into a ponytail while inside but let it down as she made her exit. The pop princess has been hard at work on a new album and its rumored to be the next big thing.  Fame Pictures, Inc

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1 Comentario en “Britney Spears: Queda con Jason Trawick para cenar en un café”

  1. miguel sangabrielNo Gravatar escribió:
    25. octubre, 2010 um 17:17

    i love britt………
    i love
    i love
    i love
    i love
    je’t aime mai vie….

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