Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart: Escapan con ayuda de la policía

De Inez Dolores am 24. agosto 2010 en
Categoria: Joven Hollywood

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart seem to be growing more comfortable with being public about their relationship as they returned to LAX in Los Angeles, CA together after enjoying a long weekend in Montreal on August 17, 2010. Stewart has been in Montreal filming, and Pattinson joined her for what proceeded to be a PDA filled weekend in Canada. It seems millions of 'Twihard' hearts have broken around the world as 'R-Patz' finally take their relationship to a pseudo public level. It's a wonder they don't look more cheerful in each others company upon their return to sunny SoCal. Fame Pictures, Inc
Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart.
Siempre es un gran premio el que los fotógrafos consigan una foto de ambos, y una vey más Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart han tenido un viaje de vuelta lleno de acontecimientos después de llegar al aeropuerto LAX en Los Angeles desde Montreal a principios de la semana.

Haciendo su camino con mucha rapide y a través de la terminal y a la espera de un coche, la Pareja de inmediato intento seguir con su viaje de camino a casa siendo perseguidos por los paparazzi que sin descanso les acechan siempre. Preocupado por la seguridad de todos los otros conductores en la carretera, Rob y Kristen tenían siguiendoles a un coche de policía para evitar que los paparazzis hicieran locuras por conseguir su preciada foto y así evitar una tragedia. Tomando la decisión adecuada que terminó con la loca carrera de los paparazzis para ver quien conseguía la mejor foto, una fuente de TMZ dice que los policías fueron capaces de conseguirles a Pattinson y Stewart un coche nuevo evitando así todo el problema.

Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart escapando de la prensa.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart seem to be growing more comfortable with being public about their relationship as they returned to LAX in Los Angeles, CA together after enjoying a long weekend in Montreal on August 17, 2010. Stewart has been in Montreal filming, and Pattinson joined her for what proceeded to be a PDA filled weekend in Canada. It seems millions of 'Twihard' hearts have broken around the world as 'R-Patz' finally take their relationship to a pseudo public level. It's a wonder they don't look more cheerful in each others company upon their return to sunny SoCal. Fame Pictures, Inc
Kristen Stewart y Robert Pattinson en el aeropuerto.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart seem to be growing more comfortable with being public about their relationship as they returned to LAX in Los Angeles, CA together after enjoying a long weekend in Montreal on August 17, 2010. Stewart has been in Montreal filming, and Pattinson joined her for what proceeded to be a PDA filled weekend in Canada. It seems millions of 'Twihard' hearts have broken around the world as 'R-Patz' finally take their relationship to a pseudo public level. It's a wonder they don't look more cheerful in each others company upon their return to sunny SoCal. Fame Pictures, Inc

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