Kevin Jonas y Danielle: Matrimonio sobre ruedas

De Inez Dolores am 18. agosto 2010 en
Categoria: Joven Hollywood

Singer Kevin Jonas made his way out of a New York City, New York hotel with his wife Danielle Deleasa and their dog on August 16, 2010. Kevin and Danielle were joined by his brothers Joe and Nick jonas. The Jonas brothers are currently on tour with Demi Lovato but they are also taking part in the X the TXT campaign started by Allstate which is a fight against distracted driving due to texting. The boys will play 12 games of softball against various teams in different areas to raise awareness, the recently played a team of ESPN analysts.  Fame Pictures, Inc
Kevin Jonas y Danielle.
Luciendo como la pareja más feliz del mundo cuando salen juntos, Kevin Jonas y su esposa Danielle fueron vistos llegando a su hotel en Nueva York el lunes por la noche (16 de agosto). El cantante había estado actuando en un concierto con los Jonas Brothers en Nueva Jersey, y mientras se dirigía a la cita, caminaba de la mano con su esposa y su perro Riley.

La Sra. Danielle está actualmente acompañando a su esposo y los hermanos de éste durante su gira por los EE.UU. y, aunque su horario puede ser agitado, la pareja que se casó el año pasado se las arregla para encontrar tiempo para estar juntos. Kevin dijo a EE.UU. Hoy en día, “Hacemos noches juntos, y tomamos el desayuno cada mañana además de caminar por los alrededores para ver los lugares de interés.” Me encanta que Kevin lleve a su esposa a todas partes con él, como deberían de hacer muchos de los famosos y es que su amor es real, tan real que no pueden separarse, parece amor de película ¿verdad? Mientras tanto los Joe y Nick siguen solteros, ¿encontrarán también el amor como lo ha encontrado su hermano? Espero que sí.

Kevin Jonas y su esposa Danielle.
Singer Kevin Jonas made his way out of a New York City, New York hotel with his wife Danielle Deleasa and their dog on August 16, 2010. Kevin and Danielle were joined by his brothers Joe and Nick jonas. The Jonas brothers are currently on tour with Demi Lovato but they are also taking part in the X the TXT campaign started by Allstate which is a fight against distracted driving due to texting. The boys will play 12 games of softball against various teams in different areas to raise awareness, the recently played a team of ESPN analysts.  Fame Pictures, Inc
Kevin Jonas y Danielle, inseparable matrimonio.
Singer Kevin Jonas made his way out of a New York City, New York hotel with his wife Danielle Deleasa and their dog on August 16, 2010. Kevin and Danielle were joined by his brothers Joe and Nick jonas. The Jonas brothers are currently on tour with Demi Lovato but they are also taking part in the X the TXT campaign started by Allstate which is a fight against distracted driving due to texting. The boys will play 12 games of softball against various teams in different areas to raise awareness, the recently played a team of ESPN analysts.  Fame Pictures, Inc

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2 Comentario en “Kevin Jonas y Danielle: Matrimonio sobre ruedas”

  1. felicidadesNo Gravatar escribió:
    18. agosto, 2010 um 19:59


  2. dani jonasNo Gravatar escribió:
    23. febrero, 2011 um 17:31

    que bueno amo a esta pareja

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