Britney Spears y Jason Trawick: Juntos en Calabasas

De Nicole Gonzales am 22. Junio 2010 en
Categoria: Estrellas de Música

Con la llegada del buen tiempo y disfrutando de un fin de semana juntos, Britney Spears y su novio Jason Trawick disfrutaron de una tarde juntos en Calabasas, California el sábado (19 de junio). La pareja, que está en envuelta constantemente en rumores de pelea, parecía muy feliz mientras caminaban de la mano, parando para tomar el almuerzo en Red Robin antes de recoger algunas cosas en Williams Sonoma. Según una fuente de paprazzo que estaba presente, “Jason fue todo un señor, abriendole la puerta a su amada mientras que Spears le agradecía a un oficial de policía que fuera su escolta”. Britney iba vestida con unos shorts vaqueros y una camiseta Tank blanca, un look bastante veraniego. En noticias relacionadas, se reveló recientemente que Spears está recibiendo ayuda para escribir sus canciones de Sia. Sia dijo a The Age de Australia, “La gente me llama para crear baladas. Al parecer, ahí es donde ha estado encasillada. Pero es muy interesante y muy divertida. Es mi parte favorita del trabajo, por escrito. Especialmente con otras personas.”

Britney Spears y Jason Trawick de paseo por Calabasas.
Britney Spears and her boyfriend Jason Trawick enjoyed an afternoon together in Calabasas, CA on June 19, 2010. The couple, who is always rumored to be on the rocks, seemed quite happy as they walked hand in hand and got lunch at Red Robin before picking up a few things at Williams Sonoma. Jason was a gentleman to his lady love as he opened the door for Ms. Spears before thanking a police officer for the escort. Britney wore her usual summer uniform of short shorts and sandals, but may want to rethink it in the future as a decent amount of cellulite was visible on her leg! Fame Pictures, Inc
Britney Spears con un look muy veraniego.
Britney Spears and her boyfriend Jason Trawick enjoyed an afternoon together in Calabasas, CA on June 19, 2010. The couple, who is always rumored to be on the rocks, seemed quite happy as they walked hand in hand and got lunch at Red Robin before picking up a few things at Williams Sonoma. Jason was a gentleman to his lady love as he opened the door for Ms. Spears before thanking a police officer for the escort. Britney wore her usual summer uniform of short shorts and sandals, but may want to rethink it in the future as a decent amount of cellulite was visible on her leg! Fame Pictures, Inc
Britney Spears y Jason Trawick parecen estar muy enamorados.
Britney Spears and her boyfriend Jason Trawick enjoyed an afternoon together in Calabasas, CA on June 19, 2010. The couple, who is always rumored to be on the rocks, seemed quite happy as they walked hand in hand and got lunch at Red Robin before picking up a few things at Williams Sonoma. Jason was a gentleman to his lady love as he opened the door for Ms. Spears before thanking a police officer for the escort. Britney wore her usual summer uniform of short shorts and sandals, but may want to rethink it in the future as a decent amount of cellulite was visible on her leg! Fame Pictures, Inc

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