Britney Spears: Adiós a la Tutela

De Nicole Gonzales am 6. octubre 2010 en
Categoria: Estrellas de Música

Pop princess Britney Spears made her way out of Toys-R-Us in Woodland Hills, California with her boyfriend Jason Trawick and the bodyguard on October 2, 2010. Britney and Jason picked up a few things for her boys Sean Preston and Jayden James to keep busy with. Britney came had some interesting marks on her neck which looked like they could be new tattoos or just some kind of stickers but you nervier know with this wild one. Spears is currently being sued by an old nanny, Ferial Zaltash, who claims the star owes her $35,000 for a single month's work but doesn't stop there. The Plaintiff is also looking to taking in an extra $20k for penalties for her unpaid wages and overtime work.  Fame Pictures, Inc
Britney Spears.
Ella ha estado bajo la atenta mirada de su padre Jamie desde febrero de 2008, pero ahora parece que la tutela de Britney Spears ha llegando a su fin. La cantante se reunió con el juez Reva Goetz, la semana pasada para determinar si estaba lista y era capaz de recuperar el control de su carrera y sus finanzas. Una fuente dijo a Radar Online: “Britney ha realizado enormes progresos en los últimos tres o cuatro meses.

Ella parece estar firmemente bajo control otra vez.” Y continuó diciendo: “El Abogado de oficio de Britney, Sam Imgham, fue la única otra persona que las cámaras captaron durante la reunión de 35 minutos. El Juez Goetz también se reunió con el padre de Britney, Jamie, por separado, así como con el terapeuta de Britney.” Como resultado de la reunión, el juez Goetz se espera que fije una fecha de caducidad indicada para la tutela de Jamie Spears sobre los asuntos de Britney. La verdad es que tiene que ser un poco agobiante el tener que estar pidiendole permiso a tu padre a ciertas edades. Espero que finalmente recupere sus asuntos y que los lleve con cabeza para que no los vuelva a perder.

Britney Spears recupera su libertad.
Pop princess Britney Spears made her way out of Toys-R-Us in Woodland Hills, California with her boyfriend Jason Trawick and the bodyguard on October 2, 2010. Britney and Jason picked up a few things for her boys Sean Preston and Jayden James to keep busy with. Britney came had some interesting marks on her neck which looked like they could be new tattoos or just some kind of stickers but you nervier know with this wild one. Spears is currently being sued by an old nanny, Ferial Zaltash, who claims the star owes her $35,000 for a single month's work but doesn't stop there. The Plaintiff is also looking to taking in an extra $20k for penalties for her unpaid wages and overtime work.  Fame Pictures, Inc
Britney Spears no estará bajo la tutela de su padre.
Pop princess Britney Spears made her way out of Toys-R-Us in Woodland Hills, California with her boyfriend Jason Trawick and the bodyguard on October 2, 2010. Britney and Jason picked up a few things for her boys Sean Preston and Jayden James to keep busy with. Britney came had some interesting marks on her neck which looked like they could be new tattoos or just some kind of stickers but you nervier know with this wild one. Spears is currently being sued by an old nanny, Ferial Zaltash, who claims the star owes her $35,000 for a single month's work but doesn't stop there. The Plaintiff is also looking to taking in an extra $20k for penalties for her unpaid wages and overtime work.  Fame Pictures, Inc

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